Rakel SiladenFor our March entry of “meet the staff”, we will be introducing you to Rakel Jacobus, who has had various roles over the years at Siladen Resort & Spa. Her most recent position is as assistant manager in the house keeping department.

Rakel was born and raised on Siladen island, and most of her family still live here on the island.

During school, Rakel never imagined she would have ended up working in the hospitality and tourism industry. Once she graduated secondary school she worked as a store clerk in a shop in Manado Town Square — the largest shopping mall in Manado and North Sulawesi.

Siladen HKIn 2003, Siladen Resort & Spa officially opened, and with it came a number of job openings. Rakel decided to leave her post in Manado, and take a job that was much closer to home — allowing her to spend less of her day travelling to and from work, and spend more time relaxing at home with her family.

Her first job with the resort was as store keeper. In this role she had very little face time with the guests, however the job of store keeping is important to keep the resort running smoothly and efficiently. As a store keeper, she was responsible for controlling the bi-weekly resupply runs and keeping stock of all the inventory, plus ensuring all departments have an ample stock of all their required items.

Rakel worked as store keeper for a few years before deciding that it was not the role for her. In 2013, a position opened up in the house keeping department, so she reapplied. Because she had always been a great worker, she was offered the position full time, and that is where she has worked ever since.

Initially she worked as a cleaner, but in 2017 our former head of house keeping left, promoting (then assistant manager) Pak Elrik to head of house keeping. Because of Rakel’s great working attitude and attention to detail, she was promoted to assistant manager — taking over managerial responsibilities when Pak Elrik is on his days off or annual leave.

Most of Rakel’s family still live on Siladen, and she lives close to the resort with her daughter who is eight years old. During her time off work, she enjoys relaxing at home with her daughter and other family members, and on her days off, she like to go shopping in Manado and watch movies at the cinema — her favourite at the moment being action movies.

Siladen Resort & Spa is my second home, and the team my second family. Here I have an opportunity to build my career in the hospitality industry, and I feel lucky that it is so close to my home.

Here we all work as a team and we are always learning how to work together, solve problems, and give excellent service to our guests.

Rakel Jacobus