Treehouse yoga

We are always striving to improve our facilities and the services we offer our guests. We know that most guests visit us to experience the exquisite diving and snorkelling that Bunaken Marine Park has to offer, but what about about after you have returned from your boat excursion?

We have wanted to offer yoga classes for some time now, and in January, we were happy to announce the arrival of Michaela and Niklas — two highly experienced yoga trainers from Sweden.

Michaela and Niklas were not supposed to be permanent fixtures of Siladen Resort & Spa. Instead, they would train some of our staff to become yoga instructors. After a few months of training, we are happy to say that Indri (spa supervisor), Riri (operations manager), Jane (restaurant) Cindhia (restaurant), and Cindy (dive centre) are now fully qualified yoga instructors!

Yoga treehouse

Training some yoga instructors was only half of the project. The next part was where can we offer such a service? After all, yoga requires peace and quiet, and preferably some privacy.

We thought the best option would be to add a new building, as we also wanted a new space to give presentations and photography workshops to guests, as well as a nice quiet place where we can show marine life movies. All of these things previously took place in the bar, but this was not 100% ideal as some guests would rather sit in the bar and chat rather than have to listen to a presentation.

North Sulawesi is famous for its unique architecture style, and the elevated wooden houses built here are shipped throughout Indonesia and the world. We actually visit Woloan village were these houses are built on our Minahasan excursion — a surreal show village where you can walk around and go in any of the houses you see.

Yoga treehouse

The building is finally finished, and we have placed in on the beach close to the bar — where the boat bar used to be. It measures eight by six metres, and as it is the highest building in the resort, we have named it “the treehouse”. We recently had our first yoga session in there, and the elevation offers peace and quiet, but with the same magnificent view over Bunaken and Manado Tua as you get from the beach.

We will now start offering two free yoga classes a week, which are suitable for every level — even complete beginners. Those who are more experienced or would prefer to take more classes can arrange private yoga classes — just speak with front office to arrange a time and instructor. There will be a small fee for private classes, and of course you are welcome to use the treehouse whenever it is not in use. 

So next time you visit us, make sure to pack your yoga pants and get ready for a whole new way to experience the serenity of Bunaken Marine Park!