For our latest entry of ‘meet the staff’, we will be featuring a member of staff who works entirely behind the scenes and away from the guests. While Sindia Salimu — our human resources supervisor — may have very little face time with the guests, she plays an extremely important role in the resort, and her work is key in helping to keep the workforce motivated.

Being from Bunaken, Sindia was raised in the heart the marine park, and she originally joined Siladen Resort & Spa in 2007 as a trainee waitress in the restaurant, leaving again in 2009 to take on new challenges. One of which was becoming the manager to PT. Casa Del Gelato, an ice cream parlour in Manado — which was another brainchild of one of the Siladen Spa & Resort founders, Daniele, together with other people from the local area. She re-joined the team in 2017 and has been the head of HR (human resources) ever since.

The HR department is important in any company with a sizeable workforce, and Sindia does a great job of managing ours. She has quite a varied roles, and her day to day schedule includes a wide range of tasks such as: interviewing potential new staff, creating strategies to improve employee morale and performance, administrative duties, evaluating health and safety in the workplace and risk management. As the head of HR, Sindia is the bridge between management and staff, so it is extremely important that her door is always open to everyone — so any problems that may arise can be swiftly resolved.

Sindia still calls Bunaken home, and although she regularly stays on Siladen during the workweek, she is always happy to take the short boat ride over to Bunaken so she can spend time with her two daughters — who stay on Bunaken with her family.

During time off from dealing with the stresses of the HR department, Sindia likes to spend time with her daughters and her extended family, relaxing with a good book, or flexing her musical creativity by playing the guitar.

She also has an identical twin sister, Sintia, who also works with us, although Sintia works in the restaurant and as one of our yoga instructors, rather than in the HR department. Being identical twins (with almost identical names), Sindia and Sintia are very close, and always support one another in every endeavour.

“I have always loved to work here ever since I was a trainee. Siladen Resort has offered me many opportunities to take on more responsibilities, and learn more skills.

Siladen Resort takes you from zero to hero. Many people have come here to work with no skills or knowledge, and leave with many new skills, expertise, and employment opportunities.”

Sindia Salimu